Condense Parts into Voices / Paste into chosen Voice
A very useful feature would be to have a condense / expand function which would be able to combine two single-voice parts into a single, two-voice part. When writing parts for a choir or orchestra, each player / part wants their own music to be printed out, but the piano player / leader / conductor etc want to have a condensed version that shows less lines of music but with the same level of detail.
It would be nice to be able to select two parts, and condense them to a new part. Another way this might be implemented would be to have a "Paste into upper voice" or "Paste into lower voice" option so that it is possible to combine two parts into voices manually. Currently, even if the lower voice is selected in the target stave, pasting puts all the clipboard into the upper voice, overwriting what is already there.
Likewise, the opposite action should be possible, where two voices can be expanded into two parts, or just one of the two voices can be selected and copied.
Yes! I would appreciate an option to easily write in one voice or another. It seems the default is the Lower voice, which is a bit troublesome when I and writing classical guitar music and need to easily concentrate on whichever voice I want to at a given time. Having to remember to switch to Upper voice at the beginning of each measure not fun. Also challenging to cut a melody in one voice and paste it into the other... making that easier would be great. Cheers!
Yes, please! Also, there doesn't seem to be a way to add an upper or lower voice to all measures in one step, you can only add them one measure at a time - very time consuming. Have tried copying a voice from a stave with one voice into a stave with two voices, one having no notes. After copying the notes from the single stave, I selected that upper (empty) voice and pasted the notes but it removes the notes from the lower voice even though it wasn't selected. Thanks
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