Toggle on/off MIDI note entry
Love the Transcribe functionality - where I click to start, get a count in, and then play. However, the "feature" of capturing every MIDI keyboard stroke and writing it into my score whenever I have any measure selected drives me utterly bonkers. I accidentally overwrite my self ALL the time.
It happens like this:
1. Use keyboard to do intentional transcription. Tweak a note duration or two. Great so far.
2. Think about the next part I'm going to transcribe. Practice playing it on the keyboard.
3. Damn it, Noteflight just blew away like 10 measures of what I just recorded with gobbledygook.
We just need a button to toggle it on/off. It'd actually be nice to toggle the MIDI input entirely, even just for the playback. The situation for me often is that I have Logic open as well, and am using that for playback, and then I come back to Noteflight to write it down. Annoying to hear both, with no way to turn it off in Noteflight.
Thanks for the otherwise awesome platform though! So much more intuitive than Finale :)
Absolutely. Now I have to unplug the USB-cable my digital piano to prevent that suddenly my score in Noteflight is completely messed up.
When I write music I also want to use my piano to test things out, and not every key I press on the piano is immediately meant to be written down.
I wished there was a solution on the computer to disable MIDI in Noteflight. So yes this feature request is a good one.
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