Thanks - great product
I just want to give a shout out to NoteFlight’s excellent UX design. I’ve spent 2 days using the product and it is so easy and intuitive that it’s a no-brainer to sign up for upgrade. I’ve used several other popular competitor music-notation apps, and they have all been an expensive fistfight, omitting important features. Your product is the best I’ve seen in terms of essential functionality and ease-of-use.
I spent my career (since the 70’s) doing software architecture and design. The nature of software is that you develop something that fits a small, essential job, and then it keeps on getting extended, more complicated and more ‘brittle’ (vulnerable to breakage) over time. The more extended, the harder it is to use. Eg - MS-Word has been around for 20 years; Microsoft keeps tweaking it and adding arcane features nobody uses, and their product is pure bloatware now. Don’t do that, please!
So – thanks for the great work. And a word of caution: K.I.S.S.! Each time you add another non-essential feature, you make things more complicated for customers, and add hidden long-term support costs.
Thanks / Dave
I appreciate your comment. However, there are many of us looking for online alternatives to Finale and Sibelius. If Noteflight takes your approach in the long-term, they will lose those of us who fall in that category.
On the other hand, not everyone needs what I need. Perhaps, there should be a Noteflight Lite which will allow for both of us to be satisfied.
I'm not a professional programmer, but I have dabbled a little in it. As far as your concern about the app getting 'brittle', I think that's where rebuilding the software every 7 years or so comes in.
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