Merge separate scores into one score



  • OnePluckataTime

    I do agree. I also fall into that cat.

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  • pianodude162534

    I am doing rush e and i need to make a conductor sheet so i am having the same problem

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  • Nathan Keidel

    I think you can export each individual piece as a ".xml" file and them make a new piece with all the imported files. 

    When you're in a piece you want to export as a ".xml" file, just look for the little cloud (with the arrow pointing DOWN) in the menu above the music sheet:
    It should appear in this part of the menu.

    Once you have exported all your tracks, click "Create" in the "My Scores" Section of the main menu:

    REMEMBER to save all your work and then export it as a XML file. Then exit to the main menu and make a new score.

    The final step is to click "Create" and import all your files. You can upload multiple. I don't know how the formatting is, you might need to mess around after importing them all into one piece. Good luck!

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  • Nathan Keidel

    Also, when exporting, make sure you are doing the .xml only since I think that's the only one that works well.

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  • DonBugg

    Can this be done simply by copying the part in its entirety, adding a new part to the score you're adding to, and then pasting what you've copied?  

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