Finger Numbers?



  • songswithoutwords1551

    I have the same question as Don11.  Please help!


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  • Flie787

    I also would like to see this added i have a few pieces that really need them but as far as im aware they dont exist.

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  • Emarion

    i can't find this either. I'm teaching violin and it's important to notate when a 4th finger is needed and I'm currently unable to.

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  • psfoy

    I'm looking for it as well.


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  • mbrule

    What they said!

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  • jonathanrs

    Same here. You need to add this! I tried using the lyrics function, but that was a mess.

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  • NaomiMShine

    Please can you let us know if you can add fingering (finger numbers) on pieces of music written for piano.  It would be most beneficial. 

    Also, can you add counts also?

    I have to use the text options given to serve these purposes, but they are not particularly accurate.

    Are these options available with a premium account?

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  • Tone Def

    You highlight the note you want to add fingering for then press "k"

    A little box appears above the treble staff or below the bass staff as appropriate.

    Type in the finger number or, if it's a chord, type the finger numbers separated by "enter" so they line up vertically.

    Then click outside of the little box and you are done.

    If the numbers are sitting in an inconvenient spot, e.g. covering something else, you can grab them with the mouse and move them a bit.

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  • JudisPiano

    Thank you so much!!!

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  • Guitar Lesson Dojo

    Hi, I tried the suggestion above, and I was able to enter a number, but not a number with a circle around it. From my understanding, in guitar notation, a number by itself indicates a finger number, whereas a number inside of a circle indicates a string number. 

    Is there, or will there be, a way to add a number with a circle around it? 


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  • jeanbean14

    Thank you, Tone Deaf!  Using the "chord" shortcut was a good workaround for me today!  

    I found I could move the number to any note on the page.  Also, I could select a number, copy it, paste it, and then drag it to above or below another note.  This saved me some time, as using "k" often landed the number in places where I couldn't select it to move it.  

    I will add my voice to those requesting a specific fingering option.  

    Thanks for the help!!


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