Customizable Chord Diagrams



  • YoReMi

    It would be a great option to have a blank chord diagram for Guitar and for Ukulele where we can put in the black dots ourselves.

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  • Vinnie Mah

    Hello all, I emailed noteflight support and was directed here by Gabe to "add any comments or upvotes". I guess the point is there are not enough users that are asking for them to implement this feature. So let's grab all the folks and tell them what we want!

    Having the ability to customize the chord diagram is extremely crucial as we have so many different position and voicing to a single chord, it is offensive to only be able to show the defaults from noteflight... 

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  • Music Builds Community

    This upgrade for customizable chord diagrams would really be a dream come true for songwriters and guitar/ uke etc players

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  • Don11

    Yeah I've needed that before...

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  • Music Builds Community

    Wondering where this idea sits in noteflight plans.  I have chordings for children that I would like to customize 


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  • jlmarcus624-2

    I could really use this feature! I come up with my own voicings and want to use Noteflight to capture them for practice and performances. If you're not going to add custom chords, PLEASE add more chords like the half diminished 7th and 7(add2). Chord diagrams are a cool feature but ultimately not helpful if I can't use it for the more complicated chords. I don't need a diagram to remind me how to play a G chord or an Am. I need the diagram for the more complicated ones I'm going to forget :)

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  • BooTheHamster

    +1 for this feature.  Need ukulele F chord with 2-0-1-3 voicing instead of 2-0-1-0.

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  • jpierog

    I strongly agree. As a teacher, I love noteflight for so many reasons but being able to create three string chords for younger students or upper voicings for more advanced students would allow me to do everything I needed to do in the computer. Let's GO!

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  • William Brandsdorfer

    I would appreciate having that as well.

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  • NMoramarco

    Yes!!  Especially for Jazz voicings and lots of customizable Drop 2s!!

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  • DJWuke

    I need a customizable chord diagram tool for chord voicings up the fretboard or for 3 note chords.

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  • Mister Maestro

    I'm a teacher and very much need to be able to choose the guitar and ukulele voicings I want my students to use. Please, give us a good way to enter the dots on the diagram for ourselves. And please also give us more chord options to choose from such as regularly used bar chords. Thank you!

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  • andy held

    Relieved to see I have company! I‘m a high school jazz band director, and since even the best charts are notoriously lacking in rhythm section guidance, I would love to give my guitarist specific voicings (tabs are too cumbersome). PLEASE put this on our Xmas wish list!!!

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  • crustle

    Noteflight now has a great library of guitar chords, but the nearly endless variety of voicings means that having a customizable chord diagram is essential.  I am here at the forum because I have needed an alternate voicing twice just today!  Argh.  Not having this feature may very well send me to another software because it is essential to my work.

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  • NMoramarco

    If not customizable, perhaps an option to insert a JPG and we can use ones we find elsewhere??

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  • Vinnie Mah

    I don't think this will be useful to Jazz or any specific style. The basic C chord has 5 different main positions on the guitar, each slightly different from another. These 5 are then able to expand to all sorts of inversion(slash chords), embellished chords, chord melody style of chords with added notes, or even the minimal triad or double stop style for Funk and Blues. Rock guitar does power chords and sometimes with inversions or a bass note that is usual to the basic power chord. These are the reason why a customizable chord diagram will be so powerful and will bring more guitarists to the noteflight system. 

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  • feefcarlanthony

    +1, would love this functionality

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  • yafashulamit

    This, please!

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  • rossa

    Yes, please!

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  • janstett743

    This option would be very helpful!  

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  • tubbybtch

    I arrange music for a Filipino rondalla (folk music group).  The Banduria/Octavina/Laud have 14 strings in 6 courses.  I would love to notate finger positions.  

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  • gvmccarthy

    When I arrange a piece for my students and I include the chords, I sometimes choose/change the voicing of the chord. For instance I use a different (easier) ukulele voicing for D7 and B7 than the chord grids generated by Noteflight. To change the voicing I have to put the tune in a pdf and use editing tools in Adobe (which is a pain).  I'd love it if we could do it in Noteflight!

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  • theylbrickroad

    I would love this option, as well as the option to have horizontal chord diagrams!

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