Change instruments in the same part



  • Noteflight

    Great idea! Yes, this is something we want to add in the future!

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  • FunkyFred

    Wow! If this is technically possible, it would be a wonderful feature. I have guys in my band playing three different wind instruments (in different tuning) in some arrangements. I now have to print out, cut and glue note lines together. Hard work and  it looks funny. 

    It would even be OK if I could write the different instrument as separate parts and combine them when printed out.

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  • Calebecka

    Absolutely agree with this. If we could get this feature sooner rather than later it would be tremendously helpful!

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  • KHaderlie2316

    I completely agree! Woodwind doubling is so necessary, it would be nice to be able to switch instruments (and their respective audio for playback) mid-score. In addition, percussionists often play multiple instruments - some rhythmic and some harmonic - in the same song. Being able to switch instruments within the same line would be helpful for so many of my songs!

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  • Jingledaddy1

    I'm interested in this, too. Big band and theatrical music requires a lot of doubling.

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  • elipcellist13

    I agree. This would be great for when you would want to change keys for an instrument like from Bb clarinet to A clarinet in the middle of a piece and not have to deal with the mess of two different staffs and having to hide one when it changes.

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  • Frise


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