Let users filter what information is shown in their news by people they're following



  • SIMiller2002

    All of us have been asking for this feature for years, and we haven't seen any results.

    We need boxes for:

    -forum posts in groups I am a part of

    -forum posts in groups we are not a part of

    -newly published scores

    -when someone I follow follows someone else

    -when someone I follow faves another score

    -when someone I follow comments on another score

    -when someone faves one of my scores

    -when someone shares a score with me

    -when someone comments on one of my scores

    -when someone starts following me

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  • MuScribe

    My News is getting quite cluttered,  All I really want to see is WHEN ANYONE I AM FOLLOWING PUBLISHES, but then also have the option to browse COMMENTS ONLY, DISCUSSIONS ONLY, and FAVES ONLY.  I see by the left-side icons that these categories are already flagged and identified, so I imagine this probably is a very easy change. 

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  • tcromwell


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