Allow to have 3 or more voices per staff, instead of just 2



  • frenchmustard

    Agreed. as it stands it's unusable for anything more than the simplest drum notation unless you split the kit across multiple parts. One voice for the hi-hats, one voice for the kick drum and nowhere to put the snare.

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  • Hudson-R

    @frenchmustard I completely agree with your statement though I'm just pointing out that it is okay for jazz drum notation which usually does not use more than two voices.

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  • giannismusic

    I completely agree. 

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  • Nikhon Schuler

    Agreed. Noteflight needs to add a feature to allow 3 or more voices per staff, rather than just the upper/lower voices currently allowed. 

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  • Djovid

    3 voices per staff is essential for writing solo guitar music. Thanks!

    I'm actually trying to finish a collection of guitar pieces very soon and really need that third voice. Thanks much!!!

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  • BrianWestGuitar

    This is an absolute MUST. Guitar scores are extremely limited without this.

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  • Carrox

    That's incredible. In Noteflight I can't wrtite for more than two voices. I wonder why! Please let us now

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    Guitar, guitar!

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  • Djovid

    Having a middle voice for writing guitar music is absolutely necessary. I posted a year ago about this. It would be really great if you could add that feature. Also circled numbers for string indication.

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  • saltp

    Piano music. especially if it's contrapuntal, needs up to 4 voices per staff. Three is an absolute must.

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  • lkraebel

    I agree that three parts is very necessary for writing a variety of music. I am currently having issues writing a percussion part for a full band without adding an extra part I really don't need for percussion. I have also had issues with vocal writing in the past when I needed three parts.

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  • barbajason

    I second this. But also, it would be great to be able to add i single note in a measure, a note that doesn't necessary belong to a voice. Example a single half note in a 4/4 measure written as a voice implies a half paus which just distracts.

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  • Gispirin

    Definitely agree with the above!


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  • Canned Man

    I have a piano piece I am working on, and there simply is no way to notate the cluster chords (one note added every beat in a ⁵⁄₄ time signature) without adding a third staff, which makes it read like a piece of organ music. 

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  • gitaarhart

    I agree, I just started using Noteflight and I need a middle voice for writing music for guitar. Hope this will be added soon! 

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  • TSmith2023

    Without this feature Noteflight is essentially useless for classical guitarists.  Honestly shocked this feature isn't available. I'll be going elsewhere to type up my music.

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  • agodwin

    Well, it looks like this has been requested at least once a year for the past five years. I would like this feature too. I will start looking into other notation software as this is a show stopper for me.

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