Noteflight allows you to instantly apply the same Formatting settings to any of your own scores with the Custom Styles feature.
1. To create a Custom Style, first choose all of your preferred General, Sizing, Text, and Page Setup settings for that style within the "Formatting" panel.
2. Under "Styles" open the dropdown menu and select "Create Style."
3. Create a name for that style and select "Save."
You can then select that style to instantly apply the same formatting settings to any scores you have editing access to.
Selecting the 3 dots next to your chosen "Style" pulls up a list of different options.
Create Style- Creates a new style with the selected settings.
Update Style- Overwrites selected style with any new changes you've made to the Formatting settings. (updating a custom style will not automatically change any other score that uses that style)
Reset Style- Undoes any Formatting changes you've made to the selected Style.
Rename Style- This allows you to change the name of the selected Style.
Delete Style- Removes selected Style from your list of Styles.