Any score purchased from Noteflight Marketplace can be shared with the amount of additional authorized performers you have purchased for. You can share with authorized users on, your Noteflight Learn site, or a mix of both!
1. Open the score from your "Purchased Scores" list and create an editable copy.
2. From your My Scores page select the eighth note icon next to the title of your editable copy or "Edit List" and select "Copy to Site."
3. Choose the Noteflight Learn site you would like to copy the score over to and select "OK."
You will then find the purchased score in your Noteflight Learn site's My Scores list and can share from there.
Sharing Noteflight Marketplace Scores in Noteflight Learn
1. Open the editable copy from your Noteflight Learn site's My Scores list, select "Score Details," then "Share," and finally, "Share Score."
2. In the Sharing Details window, choose how you want to share the score. Open "Manage Authorized Performers" and enter the username(s)of who you would like to share with.
If you purchased a score with 21+ authorized performers available you have the option to share with "All Site Members or "Groups."
3. If you are not sharing the score as an activity template, you can choose if you would like the recipient to only have viewing access, or if you'd like to give them the ability to leave comments as well. Select "Save" to complete the sharing process.
The recipient can find the shared score in their "Scores Shared With Me" list.
Removing Sharing Access
You can remove sharing access from a recipient by either removing the checkmark next to their username in the Sharing Details window or removing them from the "Manage Authorized Users" option to replace them with a new recipient.