When you join Noteflight, you also join our Noteflight community. We have various opportunities within Noteflight to share your work and interact with other users and their scores.
If you'd like to share your score, open the Score Details panel located towards the top right corner of your score and select Share, then Share Score.
From the Sharing Details window you will see the 3 sharing options available.
- Everyone
- This will make your score accessible to anyone you share the score's URL with. This does not automatically place your score in anyone's account.
- You can also choose to make your score searchable within our Noteflight search bar so users can search for your score by title and see it without needing a link.
- Groups
- Share your score with one or more groups that you are a part of in our Noteflight community. Please note that Noteflight will notify the group immediately after it is shared.
- Individuals
- Share your score with an individual user on Noteflight. Please note that Noteflight will notify the individual immediately after it is shared.
- That individual user can then access your score from their "Scores Shared With Me" folder located on the left hand side of their My Scores page.
With each option, you can choose how the user or users interact with your score.
- View
- This option only allows users to view and playback your score.
- Comment
- This option allows users to write comments on your score that will show publicly to other Noteflight users. You have the ability to delete or reply to these comments.
- Edit
- This option will allow any user shared on this score to edit your work. This is most popular when composing a group piece with individual parts.
It's important to note that all newly created scores are private by default and a private score is only accessible by you, the author.
If you'd like a more in-depth explanation of our sharing capabilities please visit the sharing scores section in our User Guide.